Posts tagged cultivated meat
Why plant-based foods pioneer Josh Tetrick just won’t quit

The cofounder and CEO of Eat Just and Good Meat is embattled yet again. He’s got advice for his younger self—and everyone else in alternative proteins.

He’s certainly war-scarred from his efforts to mainstream first plant-based replacements for mayonnaise, then eggs, and more recently cultivated meat from chicken cells.

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Why you won’t be eating cell-cultivated meat any time soon

Cell-cultivated meat may appear to be proceeding ever closer to being on sale in the United States, but production, cost, and formulation issues are still bedeviling the one-time disruptors.

This month, the USDA approved labeling of the food once called lab-grown meat. In quick succession the regulatory agency granted Eat Just and then Upside Foods approval of what the startups could call their product. The verdict: cell-cultivated meat.

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