Posts tagged Josh Tetrick
Why plant-based foods pioneer Josh Tetrick just won’t quit

The cofounder and CEO of Eat Just and Good Meat is embattled yet again. He’s got advice for his younger self—and everyone else in alternative proteins.

He’s certainly war-scarred from his efforts to mainstream first plant-based replacements for mayonnaise, then eggs, and more recently cultivated meat from chicken cells.

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The U.S. Maker of Fake Mayo Pitches China on Fake Eggs

On a recent Monday morning in a Shanghai conference room, four executives from a major Chinese food producer and distributor sat socially distanced from one another, pulled down their masks, and tried some fake eggs. In a makeshift basement office in San Francisco, 15 hours behind, Josh Tetrick, the chief executive officer of egg-substitute maker Eat Just Inc., watched via Zoom.

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